Sunday, September 2, 2007

First reflection about an importance of philosophy

......From my perspective philosophy is affection for wisdom that is acquired during our lifetime experiences and from our reflections of reality. Reality is complex and can be viewed differently by each individual therefore everyone can contribute valuable observation about events or forces that create reality such as life, death, good, evil, nature and universe.

This course is imperative for me in terms of evaluating my own thoughts about obvious matters that we all face throughout the life such as suffering, love, morality, happiness or freedom. Those subjects were already introduced and contemplated by many great people from the past who asked the same universal questions as we have today: who I am?, what is my role in this world?, am I free? Therefore, I hope to gain fundamental understanding of the ideas and concepts introduced by people from various historical époques who forces others to think and reflect on reality that surrounds us.

The most worthwhile experience will be participation of all classmates to initiate interesting, inspiring discussion. Today’s world seems to dash along faster and faster forgetting about the reflection that forces to speculate, stop and escape for a moment to immerse in our own thoughts . People seem to get all the answers from TV and other authorities overlooking their own unique vision of the world. Therefore this course will be imperative to help me understand myself better, the universe and importance of other forces that shape our inner self....

My favorite poet, Zbigniew Herbert

Mr. Cogito and the Imagination

Mr. Cogito never trusted
tricks of the imagination

the piano at the top of the Alps
played false concerts for him

he didn't appreciate labyrinths
the Sphinx filled him with loathing

he lived in a house with no basement
without mirrors of dialectics

jungles of tangled images
were not his home

he would rarely soar
on the wings of metaphor

and then he fell like Icarus
into the embrace of the Great Mother

he adored tautologies

idem per idem

that a bird is a bird
slavery means slavery

a knife is a knife
death remains death

he loved the flat horizon
a straight line
the gravity of the earth