Sunday, October 28, 2007

Philosophy of religion

Religion is a part of human knowledge that goes beyond logic and reason and is based on human’s experiences of various moral and ethical issues and concerns about his/her place in the universe. Religion gives universal guidance to understand universe and human nature; its main doctrine is a belief without a doubt. Philosophy takes a different course to understand the same dilemma about human nature and purpose and meaning of existence. Because philosophy is an affection for wisdom its main attribute is to question, think and take different approaches towards understanding. This way towards gaining knowledge contribute to understanding such dilemma as justice, ethical value, good and evil, freedom, will, love from different perspective .
Those themes are found in the Bible, Koran and Torah and represent the same meaning in all religion. Religion beliefs on certain issues are strictly based on faith but philosophical thinking is based on justification but not necessarily contradiction. I think faith and religious beliefs are experienced individually but its common purpose is building strong fundaments for harmony based on Good which is represented by God. Philosophy creates theories that contribute to evaluation of beliefs by developing arguments that would go beyond individual faith and universal truths.